Wednesday 8 July 2015

Studio Photography 2

Studio Photography 2

State of consciousness
When I hear the words state of consciousness you think about think about a world that is being controlled by one order and that order is to work until the end of your days and not knowing the meaning of exploring the world of nature and other great places that hasn't been yet discovered but we can’t do any of this because of society where in today.
Where all in a world where good stuff is illegal and bad stuff us legal, for example the legal things that can eventually take your life in time and destroy your body very slowly and them things are, Alcohol, legal highs, cigarettes, tablets you can overdose on but the illegal things that are good for you and can’t kill you but could help you body and mind recover and help you start thinking is marijuana in my words, “I don’t smoke it” but I sure know the effects of it.
So take time and think why are they illegal and if found with this drug you can be jailed for a long time but if you have fags that can kill you and alcohol that can take your life away legal, why are most car accidents that involve death caused by alcohol *Drunk Driving* and most lug failure cause by cigarettes that can cause cancer? Because that’s what the government want us to do but doesn't marijuana, if you think about it if they were to legalise marijuana crime rating would go down allot just like the USA, so if it’s legal to smoke marijuana in some parts of the USA but not in the UK I think it’s because they want to keep the crime rating up because its more money for the police apartment and the government.
In my eye people should think outside the box and start thinking about what’s really going on in our society and understand the world we live in is nothing more than brainwashed people that is being stupidly controlled by technology and working until the end of your days, you make money but at the end of it all there’s nothing left for yourself because bills keep getting higher and you only have a little left for yourself for food clothes ect. The government needs to stop being greedy about money because their making the rich richer and the poor poorer, not like some people are poor it’s just a state fact.
People need to know that life is an adventure and was made to be explored and find new things in the world like nature, you was meant to enjoy the life you was given not working like a slave until you die, but at the end of the day people have no choice but to work because without money you will end up homeless on the streets, think about it I’m blaming those in charge because after all there’s nothing else to do money pays for thing that don’t really belong to you.

Photography Product
The reason why I have chosen this photo for my studio project is because skateboarding really inspires me, ever since I was young I've always loved skateboarding so this was the main reason why I've chosen skateboarding for thing project, How I set up the lighting and how I took the photo is easy, first I decided to lay it flat on the floor but thought I doesn't look right with the lighting shining on the main surface of the board, so I decided to lay it on its back while I've got a nice shadow of the pink wheel reflecting the shadow onto the bottom part of the board, with the detail in place I took the first shot but thought it was a bit too bright so I set the it to manual focus and set the camera to 1/10 F13 then going into the main menu White balance, Fluorescent  and set it on Day White Fluorescent  and dimmed the light tot the standards I needed it to dimed While the board was laying on the chair I decided to zoom in to the truck and the wheel and manually focused onto the wheel more than anything else to I can get the detail of the shadow and the trucks.
I took the shot but what I like about the photo the most is that how you can see the details of the scratches and damage the skateboard has been threw and how you can see the deep scratches on the trucks it’s self, I also like how you can see the hand coming together with the outline of the leaf has a nice tone of green to it, I think the green background gives it that little boost to the colour of the leaf and the shadow of the skateboard behind the skateboard.
What I could have done to improve the photo was to dime the lighting I was using called the soft box to give it a darker tone to the photo I think it would of gave the photo a bit more detail.
To me this Silhouette  photograph brings out a really great emotion to the viewers, what made me say that is how it was taken with the really dark subject in the middle and the red and white lights in the background, it’s almost as if the subject has two side of her, and I really think that’s what catches the viewers eyes because it could constantly keep the viewer thinking about what the photo is about and what was going through the photographers mind when they took the photo, what was going through my mind is how they are endless emotions and moods to this photo of the subject, and what really caught my eye after the photo was taken was the detail of the background, it gives off a purple look as it starts to fade out and that the background lighting of the photo backs up my opinion as the contrast between the analogues colours and complimentary colours help create a meaning to my photo.
This is because the analogues colours create a sense of peace, harmony which could be the subject’s innocent side where as the complimentary colours create a feeling of tension/ drama for example this could be the subject’s darker side/ Alter ego.
Self Portrait
Self Portrait in my eyes shows off the emotions of how the subject is feeling or what interest them in the photo, like in this photo the subject really has a passion for skateboarding and his feelings is almost thinking he could be better, it almost feels like he wants to be alone, it almost looks like he has a another side/ alter ego but what could really catch the viewers eyes in the photo is how dark his the hood is that is covering the subjects face also how the righting on the subjects hood stands out in the photo because of how bright and think that’s what separates the dark from light.

Film Poster
What I think that would grab the audience attention is how the poster and the title looks, The title would really grab the audience attention because of how it looks it almost looks like it would be a horror/ action movie because of how dark the title looks, it looks like a dried blood colour for a title, even the background of the poster, it had a really dark background to it with the nothing but spooky trees and the grim reaper in the background I think it really give a great look to the title and the poster, the itself looks really good for a film and what audience mostly like to watch are action movies and horror movies like something that would make them jump out of their seats and will start bring them back for more, another thing is if it has a good story behind it then the audience will start to watch the movie more, if a movie don’t have a story to it then no one wouldn't understand what’s going on and that would give off a bad vibe and bad ratings to the makers of the movie then the audience would want to watch the movie what so ever.
Light Painting
Light Painting is a really great way to catch the viewer’s eye, what caught my eye in this photo is how still his body is and then you can see upper part of his body moving really fast; it almost looks like something out of Alien vs. Predator lighting towards the subjects head looks like a helmet what the predator would have on and I think this I a great way to catch the viewer’s eye because they will be constantly using their imagination to figure out what it looks like and that is what inspired me about this photo because I thought exact same thing about the Alien vs. Predator theme about how the light on the subjects head looks like the Predators mask.
How this photo was taken is I set the subject middle if the centre with a long wire of lights, I turned off the lights in the studio so I could put the wire of lights on, I had my camera at a low shutter speed and help my finger on the button for 30 seconds while the subject is still but within 3 seconds the subject will rapidly move nothing but his head until the camera 30 seconds is up then you get a great looking light painting photo that would catch the viewers eyes and have them using their imagination about what the photo looks like.  
Fashion photography is a great way to use in your photos reasons why I way that is because most fashion is advertised on TV and fashion magazines for people to view, what would really catch the viewers eye about this photo and dress the subject is wearing is how you can see the reflection of the shinning dots that looks like stars or a galaxy as you like to call it within the dress, and then you see the beautiful furry coat that goes with the black dress and I reckon especially for the women this would definitely catch their eyes and it would make them want to spend their money on this dress so they would look similar to the subject as they go out clubbing, party, fancy restraint ect. 

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